I am reaching out to inform you that the Federation Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport (FICS) is currently in the process of updating our membership of the NATIONAL CHIROPRACTIC SPORTS COUNCIL, SCCHKC ,for the year 2024. As we continue to foster our professional development and international collaboration, maintaining active membership with FICS is vital for staying connected with the global sports chiropractic community.
I would like to extend an invitation to all sports chiropractors who may be interested in joining SCCHKC as part of FICS. Howeverm the CDAHK sponsors its members to the free membership of FICS. This membership offers a plethora of benefits including access to educational resources, networking opportunities, and the chance to contribute to the advancement of sports chiropractic on an international platform. If you, or any other CDAHK member you know, wish to be included in the FICS membership for 2024, please reach out to us directly by 12/30. We will facilitate the inclusion of their names in the list for membership renewal or initiation. Your timely response will be greatly appreciated to ensure that all interested members are accounted for before the renewal deadline.
SCCHK annual membership fee is HKD500 if you are not a CDAHK member. Please contact us for payment detail.
Many thanks for your prompt attention to this matter, and for your continued dedication to the field of sports chiropractic.
We've been shaping the future of healthcare for years, find out more about our higher education courses, clinical services and treatments and how to join our vibrant community.
NEW WHO GUIDELINE PROVIDES STRONG ENDORSEMENT FOR EPIC CHIROPRACTIC. The World Health Organization today (December 7) launched its Guideline for the Non-Surgical Management of Chronic Primary Low Back Pain in Adults in Primary and Community Care Settings.
The Guideline presents a strong endorsement of the EPIC (evidence-based, people-centered, interprofessional and collaborative) pillars that were set out by the WFC in 2017.
Spinal manipulation was one of the physical therapies recommended for use in all patients, including older adults. Other recommended physical therapies included dry needling, a structured exercise program and massage.
Structured and standardized education and advice were also part of the key management recommendations, as was cognitive behavioral therapy.
TENS, therapeutic ultrasound, traction and lumbar braces/supports were all found not to be of value, with recommendations against their use as part of care for adults with chronic, primary low back pain.
The Guideline was also scathing of most forms of commonly used forms of pharmacological interventions, with only non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication receiving a conditional recommendation.
Opioids, benzodiazepines, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants, cannabis-related preparations and paracetamol (acetaminophen) all received the thumbs-down, with explicit guideline advice not to use or recommend. With the exception of topical cayenne pepper (capsicum), no herbal remedies were recommended.
The Guideline was supportive of the use of multicomponent biopsychosocial interventions, repeatedly advocated by the WFC, and presenters at the launch repeatedly stressed the value of shared-decision making and the need to acknowledge patient needs, preferences and context.
Speaking after the launch, WFC Secretary-General Richard Brown commented, “This important WHO Guideline is a strong endorsement of what many evidence-based chiropractors do in their clinics and offices around the world, every single day.
“As a non-state actor in official relations with WHO, the WFC has for many years strongly advocated for a dedicated low back pain guideline that is applicable for all adults, including older people.
“We are particularly pleased to see a powerful endorsement of a biopsychosocial approach to spinal pain and disability, the importance of rehabilitation and interventions for which chiropractors are specifically trained, included in this guideline.
“Chiropractors have consistently high levels of patient satisfaction as a consequence of strong, empathic communication, a hands-on approach, their use of exercise and lifestyle advice, and their support for interprofessional and collaborative care models. The recommendations in this Guideline provide a strong case for Member States to consider integrating chiropractic within health systems at high-, middle- and low-income levels.”
The Guideline Development Group included chiropractors and received evidence commissioned by WHO from sources including WFC Research Committee Chair, Dr Sidney Rubinstein, who led three systematic reviews informing the guideline recommendations.
這次的講座深入地展示了脊醫在運動醫學領域的重要貢獻。脊醫的專業知識不僅能夠幫助運動員緩解肌肉骨骼系統的疾病,提高運動表現,還能透過對頸椎和眼動的研究,更深入地理解其對運動員大腦功能的影響。這對於預防運動傷害,提高運動表現,都有莫大的幫助。這次的講座為全國的運動醫學工作者提供了寶貴的學習機會,也進一步提升了脊醫在運動醫學領域的地位。 ... See MoreSee Less
【香港執業脊醫協會】李鵬脊醫以及脊醫團隊正在為中國國家蹦床隊提供專業的保健服務。目標是讓更多運動員能接受到脊骨神經醫學的保護,對於運動員的傷病診療、預防以及運動表現提升方面都能出一份力。 脊醫能在競技體育中扮演更重要的角色,為運動員提供最優質的保健服務。透過專業知識和技能,希望能讓運動員在比賽中發揮出最佳的表現,並為他們在巴黎奧運會上創造更多的輝煌成就提供支援。 ... See MoreSee Less
參考資料 1.Chu EC. Reducing Cervical Retrolisthesis With Long-Term Monthly Chiropractic Maintenance Care: A Case Report. J Med Cases. 2022 Jul;13(7):359-364.
2.Myhrvold BL, Vøllestad NK, Irgens P, Robinson HS, Axén I. Clinical indicators for recommending continued care to patients with neck pain in chiropractic practice: a cohort study. Chiropr Man Therap. 2023 Aug 31;31(1):33. #CHIROPRACTIC #MAINTANCECARE ... See MoreSee Less
【香港執業脊醫協會】溫文灝脊醫: 其實人類的骨骼發育受到先天自然因素的影響,健康的嬰兒能夠自然而然地學會爬行,且爬行對於人體形成頸椎後彎和鍛煉頸部肌肉力量非常重要。當腿部和腳骨發育健全時,嬰兒就能用雙腿有力地行走,而不需要特別的訓練,因此其實一般嬰兒是不需要透過使用學行車練習行走,反而若父母過早強迫孩子承受行走的壓力,可能導致小腿骨變形,例如O型腳或X型腳。 ... See MoreSee Less
Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong 香港執業脊醫協會 CDAHK
CDAHK is the largest Chiropractic Association in Hong Kong. We take chiropractic to the people. 香?
📸 回顧之旅:2002年的CDAHK
🏥 捍衛醫療自由
我們有幸與脊骨神經醫學自由和綜合醫療的重要倡導者袁大明醫生(Alexander Yuan)進行了獨家專訪,他的見解一定能激發靈感並引發思考。
👶 行動倡導:兒童虐待立法
💖 心系服務:脊骨神經醫學與罕見病
🏅 體育脊骨神經醫學聚光燈
本月,我們聚焦於伊薩醫生(Kaz Isa)對體育脊骨神經醫學的奉獻。他對該領域的承諾不僅推進了我們的實踐,也提升了運動員的表現。
🌏 脊醫無國界:中國篇
CDAHK新聞通訊只是我們讓會員保持信息更新和參與的眾多方式之一。請定期訪問我們的網站和社交媒體頻道! ... See MoreSee Less
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chiropractic.ac.nz/study-with-us/international-students/ ... See MoreSee Less
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【Brain-based Approach (Neuroplasticity): 大腦重塑解決自閉、過動、不專心、發展遲緩、學障、及特殊學習需要(SEN) 的問題 (初班)- NMA】
最新腦科學及大腦研究,發展、學習、情緒及行為的問題實際上與「左右腦發展不平衡」都有關聯🧠。想知最新腦科學研究如何應用於特殊學習需要兒童 (SEN) 及兒童腦部發展問題?咁就要參加今次個NMA課程啦。
☎查詢: 2314 6911
#AHKNS #護協 #Nurse #academic #報讀課程 #CNE #專業護理 #護協 #特殊學習需要 #SEN ... See MoreSee Less
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這次講座為在座學生提供了難得的機會,使他們能夠從專業人士的經驗分享中,深入了解脊骨神經醫學這個專業領域。學生們對於脊醫職業有了更全面的認識,這不僅有助於他們規劃未來的學習路徑,也為他們日後進入香港脊骨神經醫學院領域打下了堅實的基礎。 ... See MoreSee Less
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I am reaching out to inform you that the Federation Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport (FICS) is currently in the process of updating our membership of the NATIONAL CHIROPRACTIC SPORTS COUNCIL, SCCHKC ,for the year 2024. As we continue to foster our professional development and international collaboration, maintaining active membership with FICS is vital for staying connected with the global sports chiropractic community.
I would like to extend an invitation to all sports chiropractors who may be interested in joining SCCHKC as part of FICS. Howeverm the CDAHK sponsors its members to the free membership of FICS. This membership offers a plethora of benefits including access to educational resources, networking opportunities, and the chance to contribute to the advancement of sports chiropractic on an international platform. If you, or any other CDAHK member you know, wish to be included in the FICS membership for 2024, please reach out to us directly by 12/30. We will facilitate the inclusion of their names in the list for membership renewal or initiation. Your timely response will be greatly appreciated to ensure that all interested members are accounted for before the renewal deadline.
SCCHK annual membership fee is HKD500 if you are not a CDAHK member. Please contact us for payment detail.
Many thanks for your prompt attention to this matter, and for your continued dedication to the field of sports chiropractic.
The Sports Chiropractic Council of Hong Kong China fics.sport/asia-2/ ... See MoreSee Less
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1. 依時接受矯正: 盡可能遵循脊醫為你設置的治療計劃
2. 改變生活中的壞習慣: 保持良好的姿勢、保持營養均衡、不抽煙、少飲酒
3. 適當適量的運動: 適當的步行和伸展運動有助健康,缺乏運動會延長你的康復期
4. 充足的水份: 水份對健康的關節、神經傳導、廢物排泄和許多身體機能十分重要
5. 充足的睡眠: 睡眠有助身體恢復機能,選擇具承托力的床褥和提供良好承托的枕頭
6. 保持希望平常心: 很多痛症都因長期忽視病徵而導致,故痊癒過程是需要時間,時刻
For Booking 2668 5550 or WhatsApp Enquiry hotline: qrs.ly/3u9e63f
#脊醫 #chirohk #chiropractic #黃埔 #spinefirst #wellness #痛症 #drjacky #註冊脊醫 #wellness #jointhealth #spinalhealthtips #roadtorecovery ... See MoreSee Less
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【香港執業脊醫協會】最近採訪了從日本來港的著名運動脊骨神經科醫生Kaz Isa博士。Isa醫生長期以來一直通過國際脊骨神經科運動聯合會(Federation of International Chiropractic Sports)倡導運動脊骨神經科療法。
Isa 醫生 2003 年畢業於加州州立大學北嶺分校運動訓練專業,2005 年畢業於克利夫蘭脊骨神經科學院,他很早就開始熱衷於通過非侵入性方法預防損傷。在 2020 年東京殘奧會上,他是日本輪椅橄欖球隊的主要脊骨神經科醫生,該隊獲得了銅牌。
值得一提的是,Isa 醫生還在 2016 年里約奧運會的綜合診所擔任志願者,為來自不同國家的許多運動員提供治療。當被問及職業生涯的亮點時,Isa 醫生提到在東京殘奧會上為日本輪椅橄欖球隊提供支持。他贊揚了全世界運動脊骨神經科醫生的奉獻精神。
展望未來,Isa 博士希望根據自己的經驗在日本培訓更多的運動脊骨神經科醫生。他希望這將擴大亞洲殘疾運動員的脊骨神經治療機會。香港執業脊醫協會感謝伊薩博士通過無私的服務在全球體育舞台上推廣脊骨神經科專業。 ... See MoreSee Less
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有些患者的病情可能需要影像檢查(如X 光、MRI 等)來幫助排除或確定臨床診斷。醫生通常會在臨床檢查後,轉介有需要的患者進行適當的影像或放射檢查,以取得更準確的診斷,有助決定日後的治療方案。
患者切勿未經醫生檢查下,自行安排影像檢查。患者未必清楚需要放射/掃描檢查的部位,甚至有些人不適合接受某些檢查。 ... See MoreSee Less
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她表示 「更帶領團隊向中央政府介紹脊醫,為發展大灣區及內地市場鋪路。最令人開心的是能夠提升社會對脊醫的認識。多年來見證專業獲得各界認可,也讓她十分自豪。」
Health Sciences University ... See MoreSee Less
Alumni Profile: Valerie Chu's Story
We've been shaping the future of healthcare for years, find out more about our higher education courses, clinical services and treatments and how to join our vibrant community.0 CommentsComment on Facebook
#脊醫 #基礎醫療 #香港執業脊醫協會 ... See MoreSee Less
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許多人認為,只有感到疼痛時,才表示身體出現了問題。然而,這樣的觀點是不正確的。事實上,痛症只是身體可能存在問題的其中一種指標,但並不是唯一的指標。身體痛症是一種警訊,它通過神經系統向大腦傳遞信號,告訴我們某處可能出現了問題或損傷。所以不要小看定期脊骨矯正的重要性! 記住不要等到痛到不行再來求診!!
For Booking 2668 5550 or WhatsApp Enquiry hotline: qrs.ly/3u9e63f
#脊醫 #chirohk #chiropractic #黃埔 #spinefirst #wellness #痛症 #drjacky #註冊脊醫 #wellness #jointhealth #LBP #pain ... See MoreSee Less
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長時間坐著除了會令你肩頸、腰酸背痛,還會造成那些對身體的傷害? 看看這裡吧!!
For Booking 2668 5550 or WhatsApp Enquiry hotline: qrs.ly/3u9e63f
#脊醫 #chirohk #chiropractic #黃埔 #spinefirst #wellness #痛症 #drjacky #註冊脊醫 #wellness #jointhealth #LBP #workplacesafety #cervicogenicheadaches #neckpain #propersitting ... See MoreSee Less
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透過這樣的活動,香港執業脊醫協會希望能夠提升公眾對脊醫專業的認識,並鼓勵有志於此的學生加入這個行業,為香港的醫療服務做出貢獻。 ... See MoreSee Less
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NEW WHO GUIDELINE PROVIDES STRONG ENDORSEMENT FOR EPIC CHIROPRACTIC. The World Health Organization today (December 7) launched its Guideline for the Non-Surgical Management of Chronic Primary Low Back Pain in Adults in Primary and Community Care Settings.
The Guideline presents a strong endorsement of the EPIC (evidence-based, people-centered, interprofessional and collaborative) pillars that were set out by the WFC in 2017.
Spinal manipulation was one of the physical therapies recommended for use in all patients, including older adults. Other recommended physical therapies included dry needling, a structured exercise program and massage.
Structured and standardized education and advice were also part of the key management recommendations, as was cognitive behavioral therapy.
TENS, therapeutic ultrasound, traction and lumbar braces/supports were all found not to be of value, with recommendations against their use as part of care for adults with chronic, primary low back pain.
The Guideline was also scathing of most forms of commonly used forms of pharmacological interventions, with only non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication receiving a conditional recommendation.
Opioids, benzodiazepines, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants, cannabis-related preparations and paracetamol (acetaminophen) all received the thumbs-down, with explicit guideline advice not to use or recommend. With the exception of topical cayenne pepper (capsicum), no herbal remedies were recommended.
The Guideline was supportive of the use of multicomponent biopsychosocial interventions, repeatedly advocated by the WFC, and presenters at the launch repeatedly stressed the value of shared-decision making and the need to acknowledge patient needs, preferences and context.
Speaking after the launch, WFC Secretary-General Richard Brown commented, “This important WHO Guideline is a strong endorsement of what many evidence-based chiropractors do in their clinics and offices around the world, every single day.
“As a non-state actor in official relations with WHO, the WFC has for many years strongly advocated for a dedicated low back pain guideline that is applicable for all adults, including older people.
“We are particularly pleased to see a powerful endorsement of a biopsychosocial approach to spinal pain and disability, the importance of rehabilitation and interventions for which chiropractors are specifically trained, included in this guideline.
“Chiropractors have consistently high levels of patient satisfaction as a consequence of strong, empathic communication, a hands-on approach, their use of exercise and lifestyle advice, and their support for interprofessional and collaborative care models. The recommendations in this Guideline provide a strong case for Member States to consider integrating chiropractic within health systems at high-, middle- and low-income levels.”
The Guideline Development Group included chiropractors and received evidence commissioned by WHO from sources including WFC Research Committee Chair, Dr Sidney Rubinstein, who led three systematic reviews informing the guideline recommendations.
To access the full Guideline, Executive Summary and recommendations, go to www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240081789
#BeEPIC #LowBackPain #evidencebasedpractice #WHO ... See MoreSee Less
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發佈會由曾在澳大利亞舉行的第17屆世界脊骨神經醫學聯會雙年大會上發表主旨演講的安德魯-布里格斯(Andrew Briggs)教授主持,他概述了指南建議的關鍵方面,強調了應使用和應避免的干預措施。
發佈會後,世界脊醫聯合會秘書長Richard Brown表示:「世界衛生組織的這一重要指南有力地支持了全球許多循證脊醫的實踐。」作為與世衛組織有正式聯繫的非國家行為者,世界脊骨神經科學聯合會長期以來一直呼籲制定適用於包括老年人在內的所有成年人的腰背痛專項指南。
包括脊骨神經科醫生在內的指南制定小組借鑒了 #脊骨神經科 聯會研究委員會主席西德尼-魯賓斯坦博士等來源委託 #世界衛生組織 提供的證據。
欲瞭解指南全文、執行摘要和建議,請訪問 www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240081789。
#BeEpic #lowbackpain #evidencebasedpractice #WHO World Federation of Chiropractic - WFC World Health Organization (WHO) #脊醫 ... See MoreSee Less
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這次的講座深入地展示了脊醫在運動醫學領域的重要貢獻。脊醫的專業知識不僅能夠幫助運動員緩解肌肉骨骼系統的疾病,提高運動表現,還能透過對頸椎和眼動的研究,更深入地理解其對運動員大腦功能的影響。這對於預防運動傷害,提高運動表現,都有莫大的幫助。這次的講座為全國的運動醫學工作者提供了寶貴的學習機會,也進一步提升了脊醫在運動醫學領域的地位。 ... See MoreSee Less
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脊醫能在競技體育中扮演更重要的角色,為運動員提供最優質的保健服務。透過專業知識和技能,希望能讓運動員在比賽中發揮出最佳的表現,並為他們在巴黎奧運會上創造更多的輝煌成就提供支援。 ... See MoreSee Less
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【有長期頸椎問題的人看過來! 定期拜訪脊醫的好處!】
近期的研究發現,對於有長期頸椎問題的患者,定期拜訪 #脊醫 可能是一種有效的管理和維護方式。這種照護方法結合了初始的脊醫治療和長期的保健計畫,適用於肩頸痠痛或神經根的疼痛症狀。以下張博將結合香港和挪威的兩篇研究,提供一個全面的建議,以便大家更好地理解脊醫療法的好處。
1. 初始治療的有效性
2. 定期脊醫保健的益處
3. 頸椎滑脫症的演進
香港脊醫研究個案顯示,該患者被診斷為 #頸椎滑脫 引起的第五頸椎神經根壓迫,有肩頸疼痛與手臂刺痛的神經痛問題。在初始密集一周三次的治療症狀改善之後, 開始漸進以一個月一次的定期保健計畫中。在長達13年的脊醫保健計畫中,患者的頸椎向後滑脫從原先的不連續斷面(如圖黃線部分)有逐漸歸位的趨勢。這表示,定期的脊醫保健不僅能夠維持症狀的穩定,還有助於頸椎滑脫的逆轉。這是一個顯著的發現,顯示了這種長期照護策略的潛在效益。
4. 定期保健計畫的關鍵元素
脊醫保健計畫的核心元素包括 #定期檢查、#手法調整、#家庭運動計畫 和 #生活方式指導。這種照護方法被認為不僅僅是對症治療,更是一種全面的康復計畫。對於一些患者,初始治療可能無法完全解決問題,而 #定期保健計畫 的延續性康復可能會帶來更好的臨床結果。
1.Chu EC. Reducing Cervical Retrolisthesis With Long-Term Monthly Chiropractic Maintenance Care: A Case Report. J Med Cases. 2022 Jul;13(7):359-364.
2.Myhrvold BL, Vøllestad NK, Irgens P, Robinson HS, Axén I. Clinical indicators for recommending continued care to patients with neck pain in chiropractic practice: a cohort study. Chiropr Man Therap. 2023 Aug 31;31(1):33.
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很多常見的脊骨痛症問題,脊醫的保守治療都能有效處理。重點是必須詳細檢查,了解成因,再因應個人情況,作出適當治療。 ... See MoreSee Less
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【香港執業脊醫協會】李鵬脊醫最近訪問了中國最大的中醫骨傷醫院 - 河南省洛陽正骨醫院。該醫院也是最大的骨科專科醫院,其中中西醫的結合非常密切。在這裡,我們見識到了從多層樓的保守治療到只需幾分鐘就能完成的髋關節置換手術等各種方式。
這次的訪問讓脊醫激發了我們開展中西醫保守治療結合方式的願望,脊醫期待透過相互學習促進中西醫的發展與整合。這不僅是一次學習和交流的旅程,更是對中西醫結合的未來可能性的探索。我們期待在未來能為我們的病患提供更全面、更有效的治療方法。 ... See MoreSee Less
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You are doing an amazing job promoting Chiropractic International. Thank you for all of your efforts. I enjoy reading these posts
【香港執業脊醫協會】脊醫汪家智教吓長者冬天保健運動 ... See MoreSee Less
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Photos from Dr Jacky 楊雋頎脊醫's post ... See MoreSee Less
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林哲玄醫生: 脊醫定位模糊不清,欠缺訓練和發展規劃 ... See MoreSee Less
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【香港執業脊醫協會】溫文灝脊醫: 其實人類的骨骼發育受到先天自然因素的影響,健康的嬰兒能夠自然而然地學會爬行,且爬行對於人體形成頸椎後彎和鍛煉頸部肌肉力量非常重要。當腿部和腳骨發育健全時,嬰兒就能用雙腿有力地行走,而不需要特別的訓練,因此其實一般嬰兒是不需要透過使用學行車練習行走,反而若父母過早強迫孩子承受行走的壓力,可能導致小腿骨變形,例如O型腳或X型腳。 ... See MoreSee Less
BB出生後腳仔未夠力行,一定是先學爬再學走,有些家長為了讓孩子學會走路,會讓BB使用學行車練習走路,不過原來過早讓孩子承受行走的壓力,可能...0 CommentsComment on Facebook
朱醫生進一步解釋說:「作為一線醫療人員,脊醫經常需要處理兒童的肌骨問題。因此,我們需要清晰的指引和教育資料,這樣我們才能幫助脊醫業界和香港脊醫學院的學生更好地理解和診斷嚴重的兒童虐待案件。」讓我們一起努力,為保護我們的孩子創造一個更安全的未來。#兒童保護 #虐待兒童 #脊醫 McTimoney College of Chiropractic #香港脊醫學院 ... See MoreSee Less
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hk.news.yahoo.com/醫護憂強制舉報虐兒難以釐定責任-071023286.html ... See MoreSee Less
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