
Mandatory Reporting Regime for Child Abuse

Given the complexities involved in identifying and reporting suspected cases of child abuse and neglect, it's crucial that the Mandated Reporter Guide emphasizes the importance of objective findings as solid evidence.

Objective Findings

Objective findings, such as radiological findings in chiropractic clinics, can provide concrete evidence of abuse that may otherwise be missed. Radiological examinations often reveal patterns of injuries that are inconsistent with the explanations provided. For example, multiple fractures at different stages of healing, unusual fractures for the child's developmental stage, or injuries that are rare from accidental trauma.

Therefore, the guide should recommend that:

Chiropractors should consider ordering radiological examinations when physical examination and patient history raise suspicion of abuse, even in the absence of visible injuries.

Findings from these examinations should be thoroughly documented, including the location, nature, and age of injuries.

Any discrepancy between these findings and the provided history of the injury should be noted as it may indicate a potential case of abuse.

Subjective Findings

While subjective findings such as inconsistencies in injury history or behavioral signs can be crucial, they should not be the sole basis for reporting suspicion of abuse. Children and elderly patients may have difficulty accurately recalling events, leading to inconsistencies that are not necessarily indicative of abuse.

This doesn't mean we should disregard subjective findings. On the contrary, the guide should instruct chiropractors to:

Be attentive to verbal and non-verbal cues that may indicate distress or fear.

Document any observed behavioral changes or emotional responses that seem disproportionate to the situation.

Note any inconsistencies in the history and presentation of injuries.

Limitations of Physical Examination

Given the nature of chiropractic practice, chiropractors may not examine private parts such as breasts and female chest, potentially missing signs of abuse. The guide should acknowledge this limitation and recommend that:

Chiropractors should be trained to identify signs of abuse visible in the areas they typically examine.

If suspicion arises from observed or reported symptoms that fall outside the chiropractor's scope of practice, the chiropractor should refer the patient to a suitable medical professional for a more comprehensive examination.

In conclusion, the Mandated Reporter Guide should emphasize the importance of both objective and subjective findings in identifying potential abuse cases. It should also acknowledge the limitations of physical examinations in chiropractic settings and provide guidance on referring patients for further evaluation when necessary.


International Board of Chiropractic Examiners (IBCE) Poster Award 


CDAHK's recommendation to 「 tobacco control strategies for vibrant, healthy and tobacco-free Hong Kong」 Public Consultation

Professor Lo Chung-mau,
Secretary for Health,
Health Bureau,
18/F, East Wing, Central Government Offices,
2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong.

Public consultation on tobacco control strategies for vibrant, healthy and tobacco-free Hong Kong

Dear Professor Lo,

As the Chairman of the Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong (CDAHK), I am penning this letter to express our support for the public consultation on the Vibrant, Healthy, and Tobacco-free Hong Kong initiative. We acknowledge the compelling need to address the prevalent issue of tobacco usage in our society.

We concur with your concerns about the health implications of smoking, particularly in light of our aging population and the rising incidence of chronic diseases. The uptrend in female smokers and the vulnerability of secondary school students to smoking pose serious threats that demand immediate attention.

Research has shown that chiropractors cater to a significant proportion of tobacco users (Muramoto ML et al., 2014). Our health and healing philosophies, as well as our practice patterns, are ideally suited to provide brief interventions (Muramoto ML et al., 2014). Studies have illuminated the feasibility of implementing systematic changes in chiropractic settings to identify tobacco users, advise them to quit, and refer them to cessation services (Buettner-Schmidt K et al., 2018). Chiropractors have proven their ability to offer effective smoking cessation counsel (Buettner-Schmidt K et al., 2018).

Given the link between tobacco usage and the health issues often treated by chiropractors, we are uniquely positioned to provide patients with personalized health feedback, which could potentially motivate them to quit smoking. Despite the potential value of chiropractors in conducting tobacco interventions, we are often underutilized and inadequately trained in these techniques (Rose KA, 2017). Thus, including alternative practitioners in tobacco cessation efforts can be beneficial (Eaves ER, 2017).

We are in complete agreement with the government's endorsement of the WHO's recommendations to achieve a smoking prevalence target of 7.8% by 2025 and aim for further reduction in the long term. The strategies outlined in the consultation document are in alignment with these objectives.

However, to fully harness the potential of the chiropractic community in tobacco control, we suggest putting more emphasis on the strategy to 'Enhance Education, Support Cessation.' Chiropractors can contribute by educating patients on the health risks of smoking during consultations and providing referrals to cessation support services as needed. We recommend the introduction of training programs for chiropractors on conducting effective tobacco interventions.

We eagerly look forward to contributing further to this public consultation and supporting the government's efforts to create a vibrant, healthy, and tobacco-free Hong Kong.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Eric Chun Pu Chu,


Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong.​


The 2023 Policy Adress Consultation proposed by Hon. David Lam, LegCo Member




CDAHK's recommendation to 「Welfare Support for Persons with Disabilities」 Public Consultation



面對香港長期存在的醫療資源短缺問題,我們支持將脊醫服務納入政府為殘疾人士提供的康復服務中。脊骨神經醫學專注於神經肌肉骨骼系統的健康,是一種獨特的醫療方法 [1]。脊醫能透過有效的疼痛和神經回覆管理方法,改善殘疾人士的生活質量並提升其身體功能[2]。我們呼籲政府將脊醫服務納入康復服務的範疇,並撥出必要資源,以確保這類服務的可達性和服務品質。




朱君璞脊醫 博士




CDAHK's recommendation to Cheif Executive's 2023 Policy Address Public Consultation



1 疫情的爆發讓我們明白醫療系統的優化不僅需要增加醫護人手,更需要擴大和多元化醫療服務的提供。脊醫可以在減輕傳統醫療系統的壓力,提升城市應對突發公共衛生事件的能力方面發揮作用。因此,我們建議政府考慮在基層醫療系統中加入脊醫服務,以提供更全面的醫療護理。我們之前的建議已經交給基層醫療健康管理局 [1]。並可完善開發病假紙的權力,提升病患的照顧 [2]

2 關懷安老助弱解困的政策中,我們建議政府能夠考慮脊醫在長者健康上的貢獻。脊醫可以透過非侵入性的治療方式,幫助減輕長者的疼痛,提升他們的生活品質。對於長期關注長者健康的政府來說,這是一種有效且預防的解決方案。

3 青年的健康和教育是社會發展的重要基石。脊醫可以為青年提供正確的身體保健知識和生活習慣建議,防止因長時間坐姿不正、學習壓力大等因素導致的身體問題如脊椎側彎。業界多年來兒童提供脊科義診,及早偵查脊骨問題,從而建立「脊骨護理從小做起」的護脊習慣。我們並舉行護脊大使工作坊,裝備參加者各種護脊知識。我們需要更多的政府支持讓香港的兒童可以成長的健康和預防疾病。

4 促進脊骨神經科在香港的發展:因為尚未得到大專院校和政府的支持,業界已透過和英國大學在港成立脊骨神經醫學院,可以讓更多青年人提供脊醫訓練和發展機會,可確保脊科服務質量不斷提高。

5 邀請青年愛國愛港脊醫參與不同層面的委員會


1. 準確貫徹「一國兩制」


2. 引才提升競爭力

3. 推動亞太脊骨神經醫學研究

4. 培育本地人才
以專業團體註冊課程香港脊骨神經醫學院 [3]

5. 說好香港故事
發表國際研究,宣揚一國兩制下的機遇和優勢 [4]

朱君璞脊醫 博士 香港執業脊醫協會主席2023年七月三十日



CDAHK letter to HKCC for radiology referral

Dear Members of the Chiropractors Council of Hong Kong,

I am writing to you on behalf of the Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong to bring your attention to a pressing issue affecting our profession. We recently conducted a study to investigate the utilization, challenges, and attitudes of chiropractors in Hong Kong towards laboratory testing and radiological imaging. The findings reveal that a significant proportion of chiropractors are frequently facing rejection of their referrals for diagnostic tests and imaging, which adversely impacts the quality of care they can provide to their patients.

Our cross-sectional survey was conducted and involved 151 registered chiropractors, representing a response rate of 46.5%. The results indicate that chiropractors in Hong Kong actively utilize laboratory testing and radiological imaging for diagnosis, monitoring of existing conditions, and disease progression. However, high rejection rates for specific imaging requests lead to patient frustration, increased costs, and delayed diagnosis. Despite these challenges, our respondents demonstrated a strong belief in evidence-based practice and a willingness to incorporate relevant literature into their daily practice.

Chiropractors in Hong Kong are facing high rate of rejection in referrals. In light of these findings, we urge the Chiropractors Council of Hong Kong to take the necessary steps to address this issue and facilitate better communication and collaboration with other regulatory professionals, including the boards and associations of radiographers, radiologists, and laboratory technicians. It is essential to ensure that chiropractors' referrals are fully accepted to enable them to provide optimal care to their patients.

We strongly believe that enhancing access to diagnostic tests and working towards reducing rejection rates will play a pivotal role in supporting chiropractors' role as primary healthcare providers in Hong Kong. By fostering collaborative efforts among chiropractors, healthcare professionals, healthcare facilities, policymakers, and insurance companies, we can effectively address the challenges identified in our study and improve patient care outcomes.

We look forward to working closely with the Chiropractors Council of Hong Kong to address this issue and continuously advance the chiropractic patient's benefit in our region.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Dr. Eric Chun-Pu Chu, BSc, DC, PhD, FRCC (ortho),

Chairman, Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong


CDAHK letter to Primary Healthcare Blueprint

Dear Members of the Hong Kong Healthcare Commission,

As the largest professional chiropractic association, I am writing to propose the integration of chiropractic care into Hong Kong's primary healthcare system. Our healthcare system is currently shifting towards a preventive and primary care approach to address the complex demands of our aging population. Chiropractic professionals are uniquely positioned to contribute to this prevention-focused strategy.

Incorporating chiropractors into public health programs can significantly improve population health in Hong Kong and strengthen primary care. By identifying musculoskeletal problems early, chiropractic care can effectively reduce risks, prevent complications, and promote healthy lifestyles. We propose the inclusion of chiropractors in district health centres and other initiatives, offering safer and more cost-effective options for treating functional issues and chronic pain. This integration of chiropractic care will not only benefit our citizens but also alleviate the burden on our healthcare system.

Internationally, chiropractors play a vital role in prevention-focused healthcare systems, such as in North America and Europe. In these systems, chiropractic care has proven to reduce disability and healthcare costs while generating high patient satisfaction. By learning from these successful models, Hong Kong can integrate chiropractors into its healthcare system and provide affordable, sustainable musculoskeletal and wellness-focused care.

In our quest to create a sustainable healthcare system that meets Hong Kong's long-term healthcare requirements, it is crucial to involve chiropractors in policymaking efforts. The Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong is committed to working alongside the Hong Kong Healthcare Commission and other stakeholders to ensure the successful integration of chiropractic care into our healthcare system. We kindly request the Hong Kong Healthcare Commission's support and collaboration in promoting the inclusion of chiropractic care in our primary healthcare system. Together, we can make a positive impact on the health and well-being of our community. Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to further discussing this proposal and exploring how we can work together to enhance Hong Kong's healthcare system. Our detail proposal are peer-reviewed at published at


Dr. Eric Chun-Pu Chu, BSc, DC, PhD, FRCC (ortho), Chairman, Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong


CDAHK has been awarded Second PRIZE of the WFC World Spine Day Competition.

WORLD SPINE DAY COMPETITION WINNERS ANNOUNCED. Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong has been awarded Second PRIZE of the WFC World Spine Day Competition.


【CDAHK Scholarship】Chiropractic Scholarship Program 

