香 港 執 業 脊 醫 協 會
The Chiropractic Doctors' Association of Hong Kong


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Cover for Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong 香港執業脊醫協會 CDAHK
Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong 香港執業脊醫協會 CDAHK

Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong 香港執業脊醫協會 CDAHK


CDAHK is the largest Chiropractic Association in Hong Kong. We take chiropractic to the people. 香?

As kids are heading back to school, make sure to follow these 5 tips to keep their backs healthy while wearing a backpack. 🎒 ... See MoreSee Less

3 days ago
香港執業脊醫協會呼籲市民警惕社交媒體上的不法醫療宣傳香港執業脊醫協會今日發出緊急呼籲,提醒市民在社交媒體(如Instagram和Facebook)上對於非醫療專業人士的醫療宣傳保持高度警惕。近期,協會發現有多名非醫療人員假冒專業人士,聲稱能夠治療各類肌肉和骨骼疾病,並以病患的前後對比照片或名人故事吸引關注。根據協會最新的研究,許多因不合格的「治療」而導致副作用的案例不斷增加,包括血管瘤、骨質疏鬆症、骨刺、神經壓迫、軟組織撕裂甚至骨折等情況。協會強調,根據第428章《脊醫註冊條例》第24(h)條,任何未在脊醫名冊上註冊的人從事脊骨療法專業均屬犯罪,並可能面臨高達第5級罰款及一年監禁的刑罰。脊醫管理局的專業守則明確指出,脊骨療法的專業實踐需基於人體運動功能系統(尤其是脊柱和骨盆)的解剖和生理知識。脊醫需經過4至7年的嚴格訓練與臨床實習,才能夠合法地提供服務。香港亦有由英國公立大學設立的脊醫學位課程,確保專業水準。社會上存在許多自稱「正骨師」的人士,聲稱能解決各類痛症或進行復位,但許多患者反映,接受這些治療後反而導致全身關節移位。消費者委員會的調查顯示,自2021年至今,已接獲21宗有關正骨的投訴,涉及無牌行醫及服務質素問題。一名受害者Jasmine表示,她在接受一名「正骨師」的治療後,感到全身關節劇痛,甚至導致關節移位。經過專業醫療評估後,才發現她的多個關節受到損傷。這樣的情況令人擔憂,市民應該謹慎選擇醫療服務,確認提供者的專業資格。香港執業脊醫協會提醒市民,在接受任何醫療服務前,務必確認服務提供者的資格,並避免輕信那些沒有醫療專業註冊的人士。市民如懷疑有未經註冊執業的情況,可以向警方舉報或查詢相關醫療專業的法定管理局。照片來源:TVB#正骨師 #脊骨移位 #關節移位 #無牌行醫 #脊醫 McTimoney College of Chiropractic*








#正骨師 #脊骨移位 #關節移位 #無牌行醫 #脊醫 McTimoney College of Chiropractic

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4 days ago

香港執業脊醫協會委員會九月例會 ... See MoreSee Less

5 days ago

WFC ANNOUNCES HISTORIC LAUNCH OF INTERNATIONAL CHIROPRACTIC EDUCATION ALLIANCE. We are thrilled to announce the launch of the WFC International Chiropractic Education Alliance (ICEA). This groundbreaking initiative unites chiropractic educators, institutions, and organizations associated with chiropractic teaching and learning from across the globe with the aim of promoting high standards of chiropractic education and fostering innovation and consistency.

The ICEA is dedicated to:

✅ Enhancing global collaboration among chiropractic educational institutions and associated organizations.
✅ Promoting best practices in chiropractic education
✅ Supporting educators and students with resources, training, and professional development.
✅ Advancing the profession through unified, high-quality educational standards.

Announcing this latest WFC initiative, Secretary-General Richard Brown commented, ""The ICEA represents a significant step forward in our commitment to advancing chiropractic education globally. By fostering collaboration and innovation, we aim to ensure that the next generation of chiropractors is equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to provide exceptional care to patients around the world."

For more information go to www.wfc.org/icea.

#ChiropracticEducation #GlobalChiropractic #WFC #ICEA #HealthcareInnovation
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1 week ago

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1 week ago

🔹Optimal spine | Optimal health🔹
歡迎致電2668 5550查詢 或 WhatsApp/ DM查詢 qrs.ly/3u9e63f
#適康家庭脊醫中心 #黃埔 #痛症治療 #退化骨刺 #手腳麻痺 #運動創傷 #脊骨痛症 #腰椎管狹窄症 #spinefirstchiro #chirohk #chiropractic #wellness #drjackyyeung #spinalhealth #worldspineday #ergonomic #radiculopathy #bonespurs #subluxation #frozenshoulder #shoulderpain #adhesivecapsulitis #neckandshoulderpain
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1 week ago
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Photos from Dr. Erica PY Chan 陳保因脊醫's post ... See MoreSee Less

1 week ago


#親子頭條 #書包過重 #執書包
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2 weeks ago
香港執業脊醫協會主席朱珏欣脊醫多年加強行業和其他醫療協會會長的溝通,參與牙醫的專業進修課程。今天他參加香港牙醫學會年會,和會長陳超余醫生和梁惠強教授一同慶祝牙醫在香港的發展。Image attachment

香港執業脊醫協會主席朱珏欣脊醫多年加強行業和其他醫療協會會長的溝通,參與牙醫的專業進修課程。今天他參加香港牙醫學會年會,和會長陳超余醫生和梁惠強教授一同慶祝牙醫在香港的發展。 ... See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago

第七屆中國醫師節快樂。 向醫者致敬,仁心仁術,感恩有您。 ... See MoreSee Less

3 weeks ago

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3 weeks ago

🔹Optimal spine | Optimal health🔹
歡迎致電2668 5550查詢 或 WhatsApp/ DM查詢 qrs.ly/3u9e63f
#適康家庭脊醫中心 #黃埔 #痛症治療 #退化骨刺 #手腳麻痺 #運動創傷 #脊骨痛症 #腰椎管狹窄症 #spinefirstchiro #chirohk #chiropractic #wellness #drjackyyeung #spinalhealth #worldspineday #ergonomic #radiculopathy #bonespurs #subluxation #lowbackpain #preventivecare #Osteoathritis #Geriatriccare
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3 weeks ago
香港執業脊醫協會主席朱珏欣參加第7 屆中國醫師節Image attachment

香港執業脊醫協會主席朱珏欣參加第7 屆中國醫師節 ... See MoreSee Less

3 weeks ago
CPD Code: 03223085Date: 13 August 2024(Tues) 8:30pm-9pmLocation: HKMA, RM302, First Commercial Building, 33-35 Leighton Road, HKSpeaker: Dr. Zion To (Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology)Image attachmentImage attachment

CPD Code: 03223085

Date: 13 August 2024(Tues) 8:30pm-9pm
Location: HKMA, RM302, First Commercial Building, 33-35 Leighton Road, HK
Speaker: Dr. Zion To (Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology)
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4 weeks ago
香港執業脊醫協會公共關係委員李偉霆脊醫應邀出席由香港特區政府民政及青年事務局舉辦的「青年發展高峰論壇」Image attachmentImage attachment

香港執業脊醫協會公共關係委員李偉霆脊醫應邀出席由香港特區政府民政及青年事務局舉辦的「青年發展高峰論壇」 ... See MoreSee Less

4 weeks ago
CDAHK 八月大會

CDAHK 八月大會 ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago
香港執業脊醫協會主席朱珏欣脊醫到香港醫學會出席醫學衛生服務界籌委會會議。 圖中: 召集人梁智鴻醫生和召集人高永文醫生,香港醫學會會長鄭志文醫生,香港醫學會副會長楊協和醫生。Image attachment

香港執業脊醫協會主席朱珏欣脊醫到香港醫學會出席醫學衛生服務界籌委會會議。 圖中: 召集人梁智鴻醫生和召集人高永文醫生,香港醫學會會長鄭志文醫生,香港醫學會副會長楊協和醫生。 ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago

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2 months ago

來跟香港護理學院會長顧慧賢護士認識護理行業 ... See MoreSee Less

2 months ago

EVENT IDEA! 🚌 Moving the Masses, One Route at a Time!

This #throwbackthursday, we celebrate bus campaigns! 🚍

🚌 It was estimated that 2.9M+ individuals rode these busses daily, and this was not including people who saw the advertisements in passing on the 440+ routes traveled with 🚐 4,300+ busses in the fleet!

🤩 What a fantastic awareness idea to #supportyourspine for #worldspineday!

Thank you Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong 香港執業脊醫協會 CDAHK!

#throwbackthursday #tbt #BeEpic #wsd24 #wsd2024 #bus #masstransit
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2 months ago

Interview of Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung, President, Hong Kong Academy of Medecine ... See MoreSee Less

2 months ago
香港執業脊醫協會主席朱珏欣脊醫參加香港特別行政區成立27周年酒會Image attachmentImage attachment

香港執業脊醫協會主席朱珏欣脊醫參加香港特別行政區成立27周年酒會 ... See MoreSee Less

2 months ago
香港執業脊醫協會主席朱珏欣脊醫參加香港特別行政區成立27周年酒會Image attachmentImage attachment

香港執業脊醫協會主席朱珏欣脊醫參加香港特別行政區成立27周年酒會 ... See MoreSee Less

2 months ago
健康博覽的最後一天,剛好也是父親節!謝謝大家來現場支持我們🫰🏻Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

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3 months ago

脊椎護理和保健:症狀和成因 ... See MoreSee Less

3 months ago
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Photos from Health Expo 健康博覽's post ... See MoreSee Less

3 months ago
健康博覽2024 - 第二天#CDAHKImage attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

健康博覽2024 - 第二天
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3 months ago
We are located at booth H13.Image attachmentImage attachment

We are located at booth H13. ... See MoreSee Less

3 months ago
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