Osteochondromas are benign bone tumors that occur only rarely in the scapula. We report a case of an eight-year-old boy with dorsal scapular osteochondroma that initially presented as middle back pain, scoliosis, and a winged scapula. Unlike in most reported cases, the patient did not report severe pain. The chiropractor reviewed his previous radiograph and ordered a computed tomography scan, which revealed a bony mass on the dorsal aspect of the left scapula consistent with an osteochondroma. Given the patient’s age and lack of symptoms, a conservative chiropractic treatment plan, focusing on posture, flexibility, and close monitoring, was adopted. Scapular mobilization, spinal adjustment, and a tailored exercise program provided symptomatic relief from scoliosis and improved mobility. Follow-up evaluations revealed further enlargement of the osteochondroma without accompanying symptoms. This study highlights the importance of considering a broad range of differential diagnoses in pediatric patients with atypical or unclear presentations. This study also demonstrates the potential benefits of conservative chiropractic management in patients with osteochondroma-induced musculoskeletal issues.
Keywords: chiropractor, chiropractic, scapular tumor, osteochondroma, dorsal scapula