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This cross-sectional survey aimed to investigate the utilization, challenges, and attitudes of chiropractors in Hong Kong towards laboratory testing and radiological imaging.


An online survey was conducted between May 1, 2023, and June 1, 2023. The target population for the survey was registered chiropractors in Hong Kong, which has a total of 325 practitioners. A total of 151 chiropractors participated in the survey, resulting in a response rate of 46.5%. The respondents provided information on their demographics, years of experience, practice settings, awareness of their right to request diagnostic tests, utilization of laboratory testing and imaging, and attitudes towards evidence-based practice. The survey data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.


The survey findings revealed that a significant proportion of chiropractors in Hong Kong utilized laboratory testing and radiological imaging in their practice. Most respondents reported using laboratory testing to diagnose medical conditions and monitor existing conditions. Imaging is commonly used for diagnosing medical conditions and monitoring disease progression. However, a notable proportion of chiropractors reported facing rejection of their tests and imaging requests, which limited their ability to provide optimal care to their patients. The identified challenges included high rejection rates for specific imaging requests, leading to patient frustration, increased costs, and delayed diagnosis. Nevertheless, chiropractors in Hong Kong showed a strong belief in evidence-based practice and demonstrated a willingness to search for literature and incorporate it into their daily practice.

By addressing this issue, our aim was to gain valuable insights into the status of laboratory testing and radiological imaging among chiropractors in Hong Kong. The findings of this study underscore the necessity for collaborative efforts among chiropractors, healthcare professionals, healthcare facilities, policymakers, and insurance companies to effectively address the challenges identified and improve patient care outcomes. Specifically, enhancing access to diagnostic tests and working towards reducing rejection rates will play a pivotal role in supporting chiropractors’ role as primary healthcare providers in Hong Kong.

Keywords: hong kong chiropractor, chirpractic, laboratory testing, radiology, chiropractor

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