Chiropractic care
Your chiropractor's training includes nutrition, and he is familiar with how everyday food affects your health and your entire body. Nutrition is not limited to eating three meals a day. Chiropractic emphasizes the quality of our daily diet and uses the science of nutrition to regulate health, control the quality of vitamins, minerals, and other elements of food necessary for cellular growth, and to indicate which foods to avoid and which foods to supplement. You should always consult your chiropractor for specific guidance on your supplementation needs.
The following items can be used as general tips:
You should increase your intake of the following foods:
Choose lean meat
Water, fruits and vegetables
Whole grain bread and grain products
Low-fat milk and dairy products
Fish and poultry products
You should avoid eating:
Salt or high-salt foods
Refined white sugar and general candy
"Junk food" and calorie-free snacks
Caffeinated drinks, such as coffee and cola drinks
Tobacco, alcohol and food