Chiropractic Symptoms
Chiropractic focuses on diseases of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Common symptoms include back or neck pain, numbness, muscle weakness and abnormal sensations. Patients may experience tingling or burning sensations in the limbs and may have balance problems or difficulty coordinating movements. These symptoms can be caused by conditions such as spinal disease, herniated discs, and nerve root compression. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to relieving symptoms and restoring function. Treatment methods include physical therapy, medication and surgery. Common symptoms are as follows:

Headaches can be caused by many different causes, so identification must be done carefully. According to an anatomy report from the University of Maryland in the United States, long-term suboccipital muscle tension can directly affect the dura mater of the brain and cause headaches. In addition, headaches can also be caused by tight jaw muscles, frequent repetitive tasks, or cervical spine degeneration due to neck injuries due to car accidents.

The causes of numbness in the hands and feet are complex and require careful diagnosis. Upper limb numbness is often caused by the neck, whereas lower limb numbness may be caused by problems with the lumbar nerves.
Numbness of hands and feet

If you feel something unusual in your arms or legs, you should have a careful checkup. There are many reasons for this. If you feel something unusual in your upper limbs, it often comes from the nerves in your neck, while in your lower limbs it reflects the nerves in your lumbar spine.
Abnormal sensation in hands/feet

The main cause of sports trauma is the lack of adequate warm-up and rest. In addition, joint fatigue caused by repeated movements is also a common sports trauma problem.
Sports Injury

The sciatic nerve is a nerve bundle consisting of the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebral nerves and the first three sciatica nerves. If this nerve bundle is compressed or abnormal, it will cause sciatica, which can extend from the back of the thigh to the thigh and foot.

Chiropractic is a medical system independent of traditional Western medicine. It specializes in the treatment, prevention and diagnosis of pain and dysfunction caused by the nervous and musculoskeletal systems, especially the spinal and pelvic systems, using scientific treatment methods.
Low back pain

The shoulder is a very shallow joint and requires a lot of surrounding muscle support. Muscle imbalances can pull the shoulder joint away from where it should be, further causing shoulder muscle tension and inflammation in the muscles along the joint.
Frozen Shoulder

When playing tennis, the ball rebounds to the elbow, and repetitive work puts pressure on the elbow joint, causing muscle tension. The pressure around the elbow can get stuck in the soft joints of the joints, straining the soft tissues and causing inflammation.
Tennis Elbow

When the joints fail to function properly and the connected joints deviate, the body weight axis deviates from the original spinal joint line, causing the local area to bear too much weight, increasing calcium accumulation in that area. When the soft tissue in the compressed area calcifies, bone spurs will form. Bone spurs can cause pain, numbness or even complete loss of consciousness, as well as muscle atrophy by squeezing nearby nerves, blood vessels or soft tissues.
Bone spurs

Knee pain and ankle pain are very common and there are many reasons for this. One common cause is a biomechanical problem in the foot, excessive wear of the elbow, and spraining of the ankle joint and the surrounding soft tissues. In addition, excessive weight bearing and walking can cause the joint along the tibia to become twisted and injured.
Knee and ankle pain

This is a common situation for car accident victims. In a car accident, the vehicle stops suddenly and the vertebrae suddenly move forward. The violent impact causes damage to the soft tissue supporting the cervical vertebral joints.
Whip injury

Repetitive work or wrist movements increase the wear and tear on the wrist joints; some work may also force the nerves extending from the wrist bones and passing through the carpal tunnel to become smaller. Damage to the median nerve in the hand may cause abnormal sensation in the hand and fingers (numbness, heat and cold) and even hand muscle atrophy.